Create your profile

Are you a professional voice talent, actor? You have a unique chance to let the world know who you are! Become a part of our exclusive catalogue and let the job providers address you.

Create a profile

  • 01

    Create your profile

  • 02

    Describe your skills
    and upload audio or
    video samples of your

  • 03

    Submit the profile
    for approval

Registration on a PC

If you don't feel comfortable getting registered on the mobile website, please register on your PC. Thank you.

How to create a new profile

Become a part of our exclusive catalogue and let the job providers contact you. Create a profile for free, describe your skills and upload samples of your work. We will check your profile and if everything is alright, we will immediately make it public. If the recording is not of the required quality but your talent, nevertheless, impresses us, we will be happy to help you record a professional demo in our hi-end studio for free.

Register here


Insert your personal information, upload your photo and samples of your work or insert links to them. The better the photo and the text, the higher the chances of a client picking you. Before submitting the filled-in form for approval you can preview the profile.
After submission - if everything is alright - your new profile will be made public in no longer than 24 hours.
